The High Society Eris Premium Wig Wag Bubbler is a remarkable piece that stands out for its excellent craftsmanship and functional design. This bubbler is crafted from high-quality US NorthStar glass, ensuring both durability and a premium look. The key aspects of a great bubbler – percolation, airflow, and bowl size – are meticulously considered in its design, making it highly efficient and user-friendly.
This piece is known for its unique wig-wag percolator, which not only adds to its aesthetic appeal with wavy, intricate designs but also enhances its functionality. The percolator ensures smooth, flavorful hits, which is essential for an enjoyable smoking experience. The Eris bubbler's extended bowl and length are designed to guarantee consistently cool draws, making it a perfect choice for those who prioritize smoothness and flavor in their sessions. These features, combined with its visually captivating wig-wag aesthetics, make the Eris Premium Wig Wag Bubbler not just a functional tool, but a piece of glass art that can be a head-turning addition to any collection.